What do you know about AIDI Teachers?

We are students of third semester. We realized an interview to AIDI's teachers about their lives, fears, hobbies, travels, etc. 

- Carlos Sanchez.
- Carlos Gomez.
- Beronica Castellano.
- Mateo Martinez Murcia.
- Lina Patricia Vaquiro.
- Jefferson Cerquera Gallego.
- Yohom Sanchez.

The Questions that we realized were:
1) Where were you born?
2) How old are you?
3) Where do you live?
4) Wich are your fears?
5) Wich are your hobbies?
6) Where did you travel on your vacation?
7) What is your favorite music?
8) Do you have brothers or sisters?


Carlos Sanchez
Where were you born?  
 I was born in Doncello, Caquetá. 
How old are you? 
 I am 20 years old.  
Where do you live?
 I live in Prado del Norte neighborhood.
Which are your fears?
  I am afraid of cockroach.
Which are your hobbies? 
 My hobbies are playing guitar, listening to music, reading books and doing exercises. 
Where did you travel on your vacations?
 I traveled to Armenia city. 
What is your favorite music?
 My favorite music is reggae.
Do you have brothers or sisters?  
 I have two sisters.
Carlitos Gomez
Where were you born?
I was born in Florencia, Caquetá.
How old are you?
 I am 21 years old. 
Where do you live?
I live in Juan XXIII neighborhood.
Which are your fears?
 I afraid to study.
Which are your hobbies?
 My hobby is riding a horse.

Where did you travel on your vacations?

 I traveled to Medellin. 
What is your favorite music? 
 My favorite music is Black eyes peas.
Do you have brothers or sisters?
 I have one sister and one brother.

Beronica Castellanos
Where were you born?
 I was born in Libano, Tolima.
How old are you? 
 I am 29 years old. 
Where do you live? 
 I live in the Brisas neighborhood.
Which are your fears?

I am afraid of loneliness. 
Which are your hobbies?  
 My hobby is watching TV
Where did you travel on your vacations?  
 I didn't travel.
What is your favorite music?
 My favorite music is alternative rock.

Do you have brothers or sisters?  
 I have two sisters and one brother.
Mateo Martinez Murcia
Where were you born?
 I was born in Florencia, Caquetá.
How old are you?
 I am 22 years old.
Where do you live?
I live in the Bruselas neighborhood. 
Which are your fears? 

 I don't have fears.    
Which are your hobbies?
 My hobbies are studying English, listening to music and traveling.
Where did you travel on your vacations? 

 I traveled to Bogota and Morelia. 
What is your favorite music?
 My favorite music is crossover.
Do you have brothers or sisters?

 I have one sister and one brother.

Lina Patricia Vaquiro
Where were you born?  
 I was born in Florencia, Caquetá.  
How old are you?
 I am 25 years old. 
Where do you live?

 I live in Alfonso Lopez neighborhood. 
Which are your fears?

 I am afraid to die burn. 
Which are your hobbies?
 My hobby is photography. 
Where did you travel on your vacations?
I traveled to U.S.A.
What is your favorite music?  
 I like all kinds of music except reggaeton and vallenato. 
Do you have brothers or sisters?

I have two brothers.

Jeffer Gallego
Where were you born?  
 I was born in Puerto Rico, Caquetá.
How old are you?
 I am 21 years old. 
Where do you live?
 I live in Jorge Eliecer Gaitan neighborhood. 
Which are your fears?

 I am afraid of  mice,  die and being alone. 
Which are your hobbies?
 My hobbies are reading, hang out with his friends on weekends, he likes to be in the internet, he likes listening to music very aloud.  
Where did you travel on your vacations?

 No, I didn't travel. 
What is your favorite music? 
 My favorite music is pop rock and electronic music. 
Do you have brothers or sisters? 
 Yes, I have a brother.

Yohom Sanchez
Where were you born? 
 I was born in Ibague.
How old are you?
 I am 30 years old.
Where do you live?
 I live in the center neighborhood.
Which are your fears? 
 I am afraid of living alone.
Which are your hobbies? 
 My hobby is watching TV 
Where did you travel on your vacations? 
 I traveled to Bogota and Ibague.
What is your favorite music?
 My favorite music is romantic music. 
Do you have brothers or sisters?
 I have two brothers.


Carlos Rubiano's life and story about the Academy: 
At the age of 30, Carlos Rubiano is the AIDI’S director. He was born in Neiva -- Huila. Carlos studied modern languages in Surcolombiana University, he has a specialization in simultaneous translation from Maryland University, and a master in “didactics and pedagogy” of English from Columbia University.

In 2002 he finished his studies in United States and come back to Colombia. After his return he received an invitation from a friend from Neiva and who asked him to come to Florencia. Then he accepted the invitation. He didn’t expect to receive any work offer but he started teaching English in “La Arandia”. After few months he realized that there was not any specialized institution in the city that offers services in languages. The city had other places but they were not specialized, so he decided to start with the academy “AIDI”. 

Añadir leyenda
  In the year 2003. The academy started with 14 students and it was a really hard time because the students didn’t pay on time and he had responsibilities like to pay the rent, taxes and things like that, but anyway, the academy was growing and the number of students was increasing. The academy didn’t have the money to do the publicity but the people who most helped the academy were the students who comment to other people about the academy.

In 2005 the academy made an agreement with Tecnico Industrial high school and they were more recognized by the people.

In 2006 the academy celebrated that they were the only bilingual school in the city.

  In 2007 there was a contest from the Company of Bavaria S.A. Carlos was representing the academy, presenting a educative program that was the laboratory of English and from fourteen thousand people around six hundred people were choosen and in those people he was there. All that were selected they went to Bogota to study economics and the final evaluation of that was the program that in this case was the laboratory of English but he had to explain everything about it.

After those six hundred people just sixty were selected and obviously he was there so the laboratory was a gift from Bavaria S.A. but Carlos had to work really hard for it.

In the year 2008 the academy started in Puerto Rico, San Vicente and Doncello with people from “Veredas”. It was really hard for the academy because they started with more than five hundred people.

In 2009 Carlos was working in Suaza, teaching English this was very important for a lot of people of that town. After that, the academy finished in San Vicente because the people never paid and that was hard for the academy to continue.

  In the year 2010 was the biggest moment of the academy because in the second semester of this year, the academy graduated more than one hundred people and which news was reported by all media. People from Puerto Rico and Doncello came to Florencia to graduate and all those people graduated in the Auditory of Uniamazonia University.

Finally in this article Carlos says that this year the academy is still working hard, trying to graduate more people than last year.




What do you think about your life at the academy?

Dani: Hi, Escudero how are you?
Andres: I'm fine.
Dani: Ok today I going to do some questions about your life at the academy. The first question is: How did you get to the academy?
Andres: Actually I was around nineteen- twenty years old I was study to the university I had long free time so I decided to learn language so I when by the first academy building the first vacation and I was asking about some information and how can I get this kind of program the gave me the information so I liked it and I started and the knew to little from the program so basically I got to the academy just asking because I wanted to prove my own level, I wanted to learn something new.
Dani: Ok, Did you study at the academy? Yes or not and How long?
Andres: Yes, I study the two years all that it takes and my last semester I almost live in the academy and the last three months when I have practice and I can't in every session because I wanted to be, not the best and I want to be the best I could.
Dani: Ok, How did you become a teacher at the academy?
Andres: That's very curious because when I was in a second semester at the academy I stared at the kindergarden in El Prado neighborhood then I became a teacher in a pres-school like for four months and after that.. mmm.. today, my boss today and that time was my teacher and ask me to stay here and work here but I decide to move out I was living in Costa Rica for almost year when I finish living there I came to my country again I came to the academy I request for same kind of job or anything at the academy and my boss was happy to get me here at that time so here a agreed with me to start working here.
Dani: Ok, Have you ever traveled to summer camps in the U.S.? How was your experience?
Andres: Well, actually I have been two times now the U.S camps I have been with YMCA camps the first time and the second time who was a private camp and the experience the first time was time shocking because I was in english to that but this was good because I could relax finally I had be responsibility but I the same time it was to hard I had a year and the second time was better because I was comfortable with that I was doing and I think what made the differents was.. Can I was completely surrounded by nice people and I could talk them.
Dani: What places have you visited after learning English ?
Andres: After learning in english?  
               I have been to Costa Rica, Panama, United States and North America.
Dani: Ok, Thanks you for your information about your life in the academy. It's very.. It's really interesting and I hope to serve as example for many students, thank you again and take care.
Andres: Ok.. See you.