viernes, 8 de abril de 2011



Approximately, there are 20 urban tribes; some tribes are more prominent than others. In my case, I am interested in the “Emo people”. It is a culture that in the last times it has been known in the world and some young people are obsessed with it.

An “Emo person” is someone who enjoys a lifestyle with other young people, forming a group. The members of that group are united by some specifics characteristics, thoughts, fashions, trends and common interests, becoming a small community with their own identification.
Nowadays, it is so common to see young people who want to finish with their lives because they have problems with their parents, bad romances or they feel that they are repelled in the community. That's the reason why they think that they are a hindrance by the world, and that the world will be so good without their existence.
Other young people attempt to be “Emo people” without any reason; too many people like participating in that. There are young people that cut their veins because they think that their lives don't have sense. There are young people that cut their veins because they want to kill themselves because they are bore of living.

These young people few times could be advised; however they sometimes follow the advice. The advisers can be good support or can be good friends if they know how to talk to the Emo people since the beginning. Besides in these situations, is so recommendable to offer them a good support for them to feel that are important in the society. And the most important is that Emo’s parents lend attention for them.

Although sometimes they are good students, they don’t stop of thinking that their lives don't have any sense and that they are the worst people and that they shouldn’t have been born because they cause many misfortunes mainly to their family.

I think that many of these young people are in those groups because their parents are divorced or there are many fights between them, so, sometimes their parents are the blame of the children's decisions. Also, they feel alone and they are rejected by everyone. It is true that in this moment you can see many young people that belong to different urban tribes, some people take it very seriously and they do all what those tribes require that do. But, others young people belong to the tribes just because they consider them as a good style and that they can have fun belonging to it.

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