Remember that if you have a favorite person in our hearts, we are all important for other people! But with this test we want to highlight and give recognition to people who make our nights in the class room, a comfortable and enjoyable night.
Acording to you...
1. Who's the best student?
2. Who's the most popular student?
3. Whos's the most gentleman?
4. Who's the most fashion girl?
1A: 1B:
- Camilo Perez - Martha Bonilla
- Paula Gil - Diana Ortega
- Camilo Diaz - David Gaviria
- Katerin Vargas - Katerin Osorio
1C: 1D:
- Alejandra Carvajal - Guillermo Cruz
- Karen Romero - Guillermo Cruz
- - Gustavo Cadena
- Karol Gorron - Lorena Guayan
2: 4A:

He's seventeen years old, he studied at Instituto Tecnico Industrial High School and now, he studies at Amazonia University and he decided to study accounting. He loves being Dj and makes music. He is single. He lives in La Libertad Neighborhood. His favorite color is Blue and his favorite food is the fast food.

Casual friend: This friendship is temporal, don’t be very open with her/him because this friendship isn’t firm and you don’t know to each other very well, maybe she/he doesn’t be very loyal with you.
1C: 1D:
- Alejandra Carvajal - Guillermo Cruz
- Karen Romero - Guillermo Cruz
- - Gustavo Cadena
- Karol Gorron - Lorena Guayan
2: 4A:
- Nadia Montealegre - Marilyn Mackiu
- Mario Cardona - Yohan Cruz
- David Gutierrez - Yohan Cruz
- Adriana Ramirez - Lady Cardona
- Angelica Ramirez
- Angelica Ramirez
- Diego Villamizar
- Alejandra Villamizar
After asking the questions in each semester and they chose the four most outstanding people for their different qualities, they should chose just one person which will be the best in each semester, highlighted by his qualities as a person, friend, intellectually, etc..
He's thirteen year old, studies at Normal Superior High School, lives in La Estrella Neighborhood, he was born in Florencia in may 20 of 1997. He's in 8th grade. He practice voleyball at the Coliseo and loves playing x-box. Is very smart in math, he wants to be an Industrial engineer.

She's sixteen years old, studies at Comfaca High School, lives in La Estrella Neighborhood. She was born in Florencia in may 10 of 1994. She's in 11th grade. She practices voleyball at Coliseo. She likes driving motorcicle around the city. She's very happy and friendly person.

She's fifteen years old, studies at Sagrados Corazones High School, she lives in La Bocana Neighborhood. She was born in Santiago de Cali in january 21 of 1996. She's in 10th grade. She likes calling her boyfriend, reading, listening music and watching TV.
He's twenty one years old and was born in june 9 in Florencia. Studies at Amazonia University and studies bussines manager. In his free time he likes playing soccer all the time. His favorite color is the light pink and he loves chinese food. He don't have girlfriend.


She's sixteen years old and was born in Florencia. She estudies at Sagrados Corazones High School and is in 11th grade. She lives in Los Transportadores Neighborhood and has two brothers. She's very smart and is an excelent student and sportwoman.

She's twenty six years old and was born in august 27 of 1986. She loves her family and her favorite color is white. She studied physiotherapist. She likes eating rice with chicken. She's married.
These are the most outstanding students and the most beloved in each classroom of the academy. They are people with values and principles and so are the people who are. Congratulations!
These are the most outstanding students and the most beloved in each classroom of the academy. They are people with values and principles and so are the people who are. Congratulations!
By: Stephany Delgado Sanchez and M. Camila Mayorca
Women are never going to be happy when you give us a gift, if you meet us very good maybe you can give us a perfect gift. All women don't like the same things, there are many kinds of women, for that, you should learn to meet your girlfriend and later you can choose a good gift for her.
For that, this article is going to help you to don't choose a wrong gift and don't be wrong in front of your girlfriend or your friend. we will show you ugly gifts that woman never would wanna receive of somebody or in a special date.
You don't ever think on give a woman next things:
- SEXUAL THINGS: The only thing that you are going to win is that your girlfriend thinks you want to have only sex with her and it isn't romantic.
- BOOKS: For some kinds of women, that can be bored. If the woman really doesn't like the reading, you should think in another gift because she can throw away your gift and it will be lost money.
- UNDERWEAR: This thing are intimate for women. So, give that can be shameful or maybe your gift can be misinterpreted. You only can give this gift if really there are a lot of trust between your girlfriend and you, and are together for a long time.
- THINGS FOR COOKING: Your girlfriend is going to think that she is going to cook for you all time!
We hope that you use this advices and be happy with your girl. Remember: Women are so specials, so try to give a romantic or interesting gift. With this you can win! :D
By: Stephany Delgado and M. Camila Mayorca
Answer honestly:
1- How are the conversations with your friends?
a. Very good, we have so much in common
b. Are short and incoherent, but it’s okay
c. We don’t have anything in common
2-When you have problems at home, which is your friend reaction?
a. She/he understands you and try
b. Only listens, she/he doesn´t share you useful advices
c. She/he doesn´t care
3-If you are failing at school, what does your friend do?
a. She/he explains you what you need and helps you to overcome your difficulties
b. She/he explains you something but it looks like she/he doesn´t care
c. She/he doesn´t worry that you´re on troubles
4-When you trust her/him a secret, what is the first thing that she/he do?
a. She/he keeps your secrets as their owns
b. Sometimes she/he revels your secrets but without intention
c. You never tell her/him your secrets, it would be like publish it in a social network
5-When you feel you have had the worst day of your life and you need someone to find relief, can you count with the support of your friend?
a. Always , a phone call or a conversation, makes you feel better
b. Not all the times you count with her/him, but when she/he listens to you, you feel better
c. Is better keep how you are because she/he always makes worst your mood
Real friend: You count with her/she support and for that reason you never feel alone, you also know she/he is always honest with you. Don’t spend too much time with your best friend. You can make new friends but keeping this friendship.

Fake friend: Don’t be with people like that, it makes you feel vulnerable and you must take care your back. This friendship doesn’t give you anything good. It’s better leave this person and look for someone more loyal.
Move out the city, you’re bad for your city: You need a good civic culture class. Remember! It is your city: the place where you live, love it and take care of it.
Answer honestly:
1- When you see someone throwing out garbage on the street, what do you do?
a.You don’t care and you keep walking
b.You ask her/him in a polite way to take the garbage
c.You take a time for think how wrong is that, but at the end you don’t do anything
2- When somebody lost something on the street, what do you do?
a.You just pick up it when nobody see you
b.You pick up it and you give it to her/him
c.You pick up it and you keep it but you know that it was wrong and you let it again on the street
3- When you see somebody stealing to other person, what is the first thing you do?
a.You walk faster because you don’t want to be seen by the thief.
b.You go faster and you help that person
c. You try to call someone but you don’t want to get involve
4- When you go in a bus or you are sit in a public chair, all the sits are busy and an old man come in to the bus or arrive around the chair, what do you do?
a.You don’t care and you look to other side
b.You stand up and you cede your chair
c .You have the determination to stand up but you aren’t able to do it
5-When you go driving, do you respect the traffic signs?
a.You don’t look at them. You do what you want
b.You never do anything wrong and you feel good
c.You try to respect them but sometimes you don’t do it

You are indispensable for your city: You are a good example for people; you should influence your partners and friends to take care of the city.
You don’t contribute anything bad or good: You should improve your life style, your habits and customes.
By Camila Diaz and Cesar Amador.
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