miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011


 University Careers

People have many different ideas about what they want to study in their future. One of them choose careers like medicine or law, those people are very interested on that, but the big problem is that some people don’t have any idea about what they will study.

Some of them have investigated about their careers, they are looking for some areas of learning and the most important topics, also they learned something with books and friends are studying those careers. These people are excited for their careers so the know that their future is going to be very hard.

Now talking about careers, all people want different things. Some of them like medicine or law, also people like careers like system engineer, accountant or veterinarian medicine, those people choose that for reasons like “I like helping people” also “I like everything about technology” or “I would like healing animals” those reasons are the motive why they want to study that.

In some interviews that I did, many people have thought to study medicine or law, also there are people like other careers, some of them for economic reasons and others because they like it, I think that they could realize their dreams with a little effort and courage they can do everything that they want.

By: Jose Leonardo Orozco Castro

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